“Someone should declare Richard Lederer a national treasure” — Richmond Times-Dispatch

“America’s Wittiest Verbalist” — Book of the Month Club

“The true King of Language Comedy” — Sidney Sheldon

“America’s Top Pun” — Chicago Tribune

“Columnist Extraordinaire” — The New Yorker

“Lederer beguiles and bedazzles” — Los Angeles Times

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Silver spoonerisms are tough and rumble tips of the slung

Dear Richard Lederer: Have you ever done a column on spoonerisms? My husband and I find them amusing and entertaining, yet we are a little amazed that so many of our friends haven’t heard of Rev. Spooner and his twists of the tongue. Perhaps you can enlighten them! Your raithful feeder! Joan Bryant, Coronado On July 22, 1844, near London, William Archibald Spooner was born with a silver spoonerism in his mouth. He set out to be a bird-watcher but ended up as a word-botcher. He often reversed letters and syllables with unintentional hilarity. For example, he once hoisted a tankard in honor of Queen Victoria. As he toasted the reigning monarch, he exclaimed, “Three cheers for our queer old dean!” Another time Dr. Spooner entered his church and found a woman sitting in his usual pew. He responded, “Mardon me, padam. You are occupewing my pie. May I sew

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Newest Books
A Feast of Words
This book is a career-capping anthology of essays that inspire, enlighten, and tickle the funny bone.
Lederer’s Language & Laughter
Richard Lederer is Learning and Language Dressed Up to Have Fun, and Lederer’s Language & Laughter is his funniest
The Complete Pleasury of Word & Phrase Origins
Illuminating stories about the histories and mysteries of everyday words and phrases.
Richard Lederer’s Ultimate Book of Literary Trivia
A treasure chest of amazing facts, curiosities, and quizzes about your favorite authors and their works.