The New York State English Council

“Your workshops, Conan the Grammarian” and “Pun and Games” were among the best attended, and your Awards Luncheon Speech, “Heels Over Head In Love With Language” left the audience asking for more. Comments on your workshops included, “beyond words!” and “excellent and entertaining” as well as “thought provoking.” One respondent said that what she liked about the entire conference was “Richard Lederer’s unflagging, unbridled enthusiasm.””

Missouri Scholars Academy

“Your presentation was a high point of the three weeks. It’s no wonder that the kids, who designed their own yearbook, made a special effort to bring back memories of your time with us by writing, ‘Richard Lederer, with his tongue twisters and mind bogglers, taught us that the English language had more to it than we had ever dreamt of.’”

College Fraternity Editors Association

“Your presentation was the favorite of the attendees who returned their questionnaires. You even beat out the Night At the Beach for “best reason to attend the conference.”

The Women’s Fund for Her, Houston, Texas

“I wish I could tell you how enthused the The Women’s Fund members are about your speaking engagement at our annual fund raiser. Rarely have I seen such momentum in the sale of both underwriter and sponsor tables — and before the invitations have been sent out! Your reputation both as a wonderful speaker and a genuinely nice person has preceded you and generated all this unbridled enthusiasm. This, of course, is wonderful for us. We are anticipating a sell-out crowd.”

Northern New England TESOL

“For those who were unable to attend the Conference I would recommend trying to catch Dr. Lederer when he performs. (His presentations are certainly performances!) He must be seen and heard to appreciate the aptitude of his repertoire.”

Bristol-Myers Squibb Company

“We certainly enjoyed having you at this year’s workshop. You are a very knowledgeable and most interesting speaker. It is obvious that you are devoted to your work and want others to be just as enthusiastic as you are about the English language. Your presentation style was amusing, yet informative, thus capturing the audience’s attention.”

Texas Library Association

“During the 1850s pioneers heading for our state tacked notes to their homes: “Gone to Texas.” You were such a hit with Texans that you may need to have such a notice handy for future trips. Thank you for making TLA’s opening session a terrific event for all of the conference goers. These large meetings are often pleasant experiences, but seldom the talk of the week.”

Luvie Owens, C.E.O., International Platform Association

“Your speech to this summer’s IPA was terrific! You were at the top of our audience poll, scoring 99 percent. Each speaker and performer at our IPA convention is rated by an audience poll taken on ballots. If a speaker’s ballots from our audience come in at 70 percent or over marked “excellent” or “above average” as did yours, this tells us the speaker is tops and will get an enthusiastic response from just about any audience anywhere.”

The Smithsonian Associates

“Your presentation was a perfect combination of factual information and humorous asides — something very few speakers are able to pull off with as much aplomb as you were. In speaking with audience members afterwards, they expressed how much they enjoyed the event.”