Welcome to the website woven for wordaholics, logolepts, and verbivores. Carnivores eat meat; herbivores eat plants and vegetables; verbivores devour words. If you are heels over head (as well as head over heels) in love with words, tarry here a while to graze or, perhaps, feast on the English language. Ours is the only language in which you drive in a parkway and park in a driveway and your nose can run and your feet can smell.


When we describe someone as smart as a whip, we are likely to make them feel pleased as punch. But what is so smart about a whip, and why should punch be pleased?

Delving into the history of smart, we find that the word first meant “experiencing sharp pain.” Gradually the adjective took on additional meanings, including “quick, active, and prompt,” as in “look smart!”  and, by extension, “clever, intelligent.” Smart as a whip unites the older and newer meanings.

The punch that is so pleased in the cliché is not the stuff we drink, but the Punch of the Punch and Judy shows, created in the early 17th century. While most people believe that pleased as Punch is a food metaphor (and hence neglect to capitalize the P), the phrase in fact alludes to the cheerful singing and self-satisfaction of the extroverted puppet.

In the phrase dead as a doornail, what’s so dead about a doornail? To find out, we must look back through the centuries to the craft of carpentry. Long-ago carpenters drove bigheaded metal nails into doors to connect the crosspieces on the back. The carpenters would hook the tip of the nail back to “clinch” the nail (as we clinch a deal). The nail was “dead,” meaning “fixed, rigid, immovable,” as in deadline and deadlock. Carpenters today still use the term “dead-nailing.” It didn’t take long for the pun on “fixed, rigid, immovable” and “not alive” to become clinched in our language, as in Charles Dickens’s opening in A Christmas Carol: “Old Marley was as dead as a door-nail.”

You’ve probably heard the expression slow as molasses (in January). But molasses isn’t slow. In the Boston Molasses Disaster of 1919, a massive vat of molasses collapsed on a warm day, producing a 25-foot-high wave that swept through neighborhoods at 35 miles per hour. Twenty-five people perished on that bittersweet day.

May you be smart as a whip and pleased as Punch when you review the adjective- as-a noun similes that follow:

Complete the following dozen clichés by using food items:

  1. American as ___
  2. brown as ___
  3. cool as ___
  4. easy as ___
  5. flat as ___
  6. nutty as ___
  7. red as ___
  8. soft as ___
  9. sweet as ___
  10. thick as ___
  11. warm as ___
  12. wrinkled as ___


  1. apple pie 2. a berry 3. a cucumber 4. pie 5. a pancake 6. a fruitcake 7. a beet/a lobster 8. butter 9. honey/sugar 10. pea soup 11. toast 12. a prune

Now complete the following clichés that include objects found around the house:

  1. bald as ___
  2. big as ___
  3. black as ___
  4. comfortable as ___
  5. clean as ___
  6. cute as ___
  7. deaf as ___
  8. high as ___
  9. limp as ___
  10. neat as ___
  11. pretty as ___
  12. rough as ___
  13. sharp as ___
  14. smooth as ___
  15. soft as ___
  16. stiff as ___
  17. tight as ___
  18. tough as ___
  19. thin as ___
  20. white as ___


  1. a billiard ball 2. a house 3. pitch / the ace of spades 4. an old shoe 5. a whistle 6. a button 7. a post 8. a kite 9. a dishrag 10. a pin 11. a picture 12. sandpaper 13. a tack 14. silk 15. velve 16. a board 17. a drum 18. nails / shoe leather 19.a rake / a toothpick 20. a sheet

For a change in approach, fill in the first part of each cliché by inserting the appropriately hackneyed adjective. Examples: green as grass/good as gold/hot as blazes

  1. ___ as an arrow
  2. ___ as a bell
  3. ___ as a bone/dust
  4. ___ as Croesus
  5. ___ as day
  6. ___ as the day is long
  7. ___ as the day you were born
  8. ___ as a dollar
  9. ___ as a fiddle
  10. ___ as a flash/a wink
  11. ___ as a hatter
  12. ___ as a judge
  13. ___ as life
  14. ___ as a lord
  15. ___ as Methuselah/the hills/time
  16. ___ as a new-born babe
  17. ___ as night and day
  18. ___ as the nose on your face
  19. ___ as a rail
  20. ___ as shootin’
  21. ___ as sin
  22. ___ as thieves
  23. ___ as a three-dollar bill
  24. ___ as a tomb



  1. straight 2. clear 3. dry 4. rich 5. clear / plain 6. honest 7. naked 8. sound 9. fit 10. quick 11. mad 12. sober 13. big 14. drunk 15. old 16. innocent 17. different 18. plain 19. thin 20. sure 21. ugly 22. thick 23. phony 24. silent