Speaking Programs

Richard Lederer is at ease speaking in any setting. He has delivered keynote speeches, workshops, and commencement addresses for groups of all sizes, from small, informal groups up to audiences of five thousand. His approximately 100 appearances a year are at venues such as fund raisers, theaters, professional associations, houses of worship, schools, colleges, and libraries.

Richard can tailor a talk to a specific group’s interest or professional orientation (for example, “The Tooth and Nothing But the Tooth” for dental groups).

His most popular talks are:

  • Language & Laughter
  • The Gift of Age
  • It’s a Punderful Life
  • Fascinating Facts About Our Presidents
  • Fun With Grammar
  • A Tribute to Teachers
  • A Treasury of Halloween Humor
  • A Treasury of Christmas Humor

Richard’s talks and workshops about language have attracted a great number of unsolicited testimonials. Members of the International Platform Association, the oldest speaking organization in the USA, awarded him first place among their showcase speakers. In addition, Toastmasters International, the largest speaking organization in the world, has awarded Richard the Golden Gavel.

Richard doesn’t provide a fee schedule because honoraria are always negotiable. For more information or to discuss a speaking engagement, please email Richard here

For those organizations that need a brief biography about Richard, please click here.