Welcome to the website woven for wordaholics, logolepts, and verbivores. Carnivores eat meat; herbivores eat plants and vegetables; verbivores devour words. If you are heels over head (as well as head over heels) in love with words, tarry here a while to graze or, perhaps, feast on the English language. Ours is the only language in which you drive in a parkway and park in a driveway and your nose can run and your feet can smell.



What do you get when you dip your little finger into a bottle of writing fluid? An inky pinky.

Looking for an entertaining way to sharpen both your ear for rhyme and your skill in defining words? Try the Inky Pinky game.

In Inky Pinky, the first player offers a concise, clear definition, and the second player must translate that definition into two words that rhyme. The first player must also indicate the number of syllables in each word by saying “Ink Pink” for one-syllable words, “Inky Pinky” for two-syllable words, and so on.

To warm up for the challenge, consider the following examples:

Definition: an uncontrollable youngster. Ink Pink. Answer: a wild child.

Definition: a dumb little boy with a bow and arrow. Inky Pinky. Answer: a stupid cupid.

Definition: a yearly handbook. Inkity Pinkityy. Answer: an annual manual.

Now that the chalk talk is over, translate the following lists of definitions into rhyming pairs, using the headings as clues to the number of syllables in each word. For more fun, create your own definitions and challenge your family and friends to discover the rhymed answers:

Ink Pink

1.     inexpensive land vehicle 11.  crazy flatboat
2.     short poetry 12.  intelligent pointed missile
3.     strange facial hair 13.  bad smell in a ditch
4.     meat robber 14.  bad-tempered monarch
5.     large dried fruit 15.  extremely loyal
6.     contemptible sign of happiness 16.  porcine toupee
7.     crack in a safe 17.  stupid finger
8.     dock for shorties 18.  wheat-carrying vehicle
9.     pale long-necked bird 19.  grass strength
10.  shining armor-wearer 20.  inebriated animal

Inky Pinky

21.  comical hare 36.  careful pupil
22.  vegetable for talking bird 37.  adroit finger-protector
23.  unreliable dill 38.  sacred net minder
24.  even demon 39.  happy boat
25.  fishy operating doctor 40.  doorway for guards
26.  cross cat 41.  mob’s chatter
27.  gruesome tale 42.  threat on the court
28.  horrible couple 43.  light sprite
29.  thin shaft 44.  web-spinner’s drink
30.  elementary skin eruption 45.  nuptial land vehicle
31.  indolent flower 46.  superior woolen garment
32.  strange stogie 47.  simian textile trim
33.  drunk fortune teller 48.  thrifty horn
34.  hairy alien’s Oreo 49.  herder of spotted cats
35.  basement resident 50.  untippable piece of furniture


Inkity Pinkity


51.     ominous clergyman 59.     display of sweets
52.     frozen bike 60.  horned animal’s melon
53.     tantrum thrown by Cleopatra 61.  how to save the environment
54.     pasta torn into little pieces 62.  dead man’s talk
55.     mundane pattern of tiles 63.  elastic bushes
56.     cetacean’s soundness of mind 64.  software antagonist
57.     conference about a head injury 65.  Hebrew walking stick
58.     pessimistic mountain top


Ink Pink: 1. cheap jeep 2. terse verse 3. weird beard 4. beef thief 5. big fig 6. vile smile 7. vault fault 8. dwarf wharf 9. wan swan 10. bright knight 11. daft raft 12. smart dart 13. trench stench 14. mean queen 15. true blue 16. pig wig 17. dumb thumb 18. grain train 19. lawn brawn 20. drunk skunk

Inky Pinky: 21. funny bunny 22. parrot carrot 23. fickle pickle 24. level devil 25. sturgeon surgeon 26. crabby tabby 27. gory story 28. gruesome twosome 29. narrow arrow 30. simple pimple 31. lazy daisy 32. bizarre cigar 33. tipsy gypsy 34. Wookiee cookie 35. cellar dweller 36. prudent student 37. nimble thimble 38. holy goalie 39. merry ferry 40. sentry entry 41. rabble babble 42. tennis menace 43. airy fairy 44. spider cider 45. marriage carriage 46. better sweater 47. gibbon ribbon 48. frugal bugle 49. leopard shepherd 50. stable table

Inkity Pinkity: 51. sinister minister 52. icicle bicycle 53. Egyptian conniption 54. spaghetti confetti 55. prosaic mosaic 56. manatee sanity 57. concussion discussion 58. cynical pinnacle 59. confection collection 60. antelope cantaloupe 61. pollution solution 62. cadaver palaver 63. rubbery shrubbery 64. computer disputer 65. Israeli shillelagh